
Arduino uno pinout pdf
Arduino uno pinout pdf

arduino uno pinout pdf

This means that even if you don't attach any LEDs to your board, if you set pin 13 to an output and set it high, you should see an LED on the board come on. The Arduino Uno R3 has an LED with its own resistor attached to pin 13. SPI Pins: MOSI on 11, MISO on 12, SCLK on 13, SS on 10 SPI and I2C are communication protocols the Arduino can use to talk to shields, sensors, outputs etc.:


The serial pins on the Arduino Uno R3 are also used by (for instance) the USB to Serial chip when it communicates with a computer via the on board USB port. Please note that analog pins can't do analogWrite output - for this you need to use PWM pins. You might use this to read the position of a potentiometer or another input with a smoothly variable input. Just like a PWM pin can put out a range of voltages, analog pins on the Arduino Uno R3 can sense a range of oinput voltages. The percentage of time the pin is high is called its 'duty cycle'. PWM allows you to control the voltage of the output by switching the output between high and low very very quickly. Here's a schematic of the Arduino R3 Uno and its pins. I/O pins can be simple digital I/O pins, or they can have some special carachteristics like being able to vary the voltage of their output using pulse width modulation. These pins will usually be one of input / output pins, vin or ground. Microcontrollers use pins to interact with the rest of the circuit.

Arduino uno pinout pdf